Success Stories
September 13, 2023

Woodridge Ford Lincoln Increases Lower Funnel Conversions by 132% With Performance Max and PureCars

About Woodridge Ford Lincoln

Since 1983, Woodridge Ford Lincoln has been serving Calgary and area with exceptional products and services. Woodridge Ford Lincoln is consistently recognized as one of the top ranked dealerships in Canada. Woodridge has won the President’s Award – the most prestigious award offered by Ford – more than 15 times in the past 30 years, most recently in 2017. The President’s Award is awarded on the basis of sales volume and customer service.

The Challenge

Woodridge Ford Lincoln, part of the Wood Automotive Group, was looking for an automated multi-channel advertising solution that could be easily optimized to drive incremental lead generation and foot traffic without cannibalizing their standard paid search campaigns.

The Approach

They continuously utilized various messaging and creatives and analyzed the monthly results to determine the perfect mix to easily reach prospective customers across all of Google’s properties and ad inventory. With the specific goal of driving leads and then customers into the dealership, Woodridge Ford Lincoln leveraged the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy to drive conversion actions most aligned with this marketing objective: form fills, online chats, phone calls, and store visits.

The Results

Including Performance Max in Woodridge Ford Lincoln’s digital marketing strategy resulted in a 132% increase in conversions, 71% decrease in CPA, and a 327% increase in conversion rate year-over-year. As a result, Woodridge Ford Lincoln is keeping Performance Max as an evergreen strategy due to the strong results and automation across many Google properties.

purecars – Woodridge Ford Lincoln Increases Lower Funnel Conversions by 132% With Performance Max

“Performance Max campaigns allow us to leverage multiple Google channels to engage our target customers wherever they’re spending time across the platform, and the system continually optimizes toward our goals. Our lower cost per lead and increased conversions speak for themselves."

Shane Doyle, Digital Marketing Specialist @ Woodridge Ford Lincoln

Partnering With PureCars

Woodridge Ford Lincoln worked with their Premier Partner, PureCars, an automotive agency partnered with over 2,000 dealers Canada and the US. PureCars’ performance experts set the campaigns up for success and helped Woodridge Ford Lincoln understand which Performance Max conversion actions to optimize towards and how automation could help achieve their goals.

Ready to learn how your dealership can win in your market? Contact PureCars today.

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